Measure RM4 In the News

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By Staff, Alameda Post || August 6, 2024

$20B Housing Bond Measure on November Ballot

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By ETHAN VARIAN || June 21, 2024

Could a $20 billion bond measure help solve the Bay Area’s affordable housing crisis?

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J.K. Dineen || May 8, 2024

Bay Area could add 41,000 affordable homes. This map shows where they’d be located

PAULINA PINEDA || September 27, 2023

Campaign for Bay Area affordable housing bond that could unlock up to $20 billion starts gaining momentum

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By Hannah Kanik || June 26, 2024

$20 billion affordable housing bond measure makes it on November ballot

Palo Alto Online
by Sakura Cannestra / San Jose Spotlight || May 6, 2024

Silicon Valley leaders push multibillion-dollar housing bond

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Natalie Orenstein || August 21, 2023

Billions for affordable housing? Voters may get chance to weigh in

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By: Vanessa Rancaño || June 26

$20 Billion Affordable Housing Bond Heads to Bay Area Voters

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Metropolitan Transportation Commission

BAHFA to Place $20 Billion Affordable Housing Bond Measure on November Ballot

Devan J. Patel || February 16, 2024

Rising costs and fewer resources could slow affordable housing production. Here's how a $20B regional bond could help

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Noah Arroyo || July 12, 2023

Game changer? Bay Area could get up to $20 billion for affordable housing

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